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The Most Common Mistake Every Beta Makes When Serving Alphas

Alpha Jorge here, and welcome to another entry here on my blog where I share with you all of my conquests and insights as an Alpha.

Today I want to cover one common mistake I see all betas make at one point or another when serving an Alpha. I'll give you it a hint: it has nothing to do with you.

The common mistake I see betas make time and time again is when they begin serving Alphas with the expectancy or entitlement that this arrangement is all about you. 

As an Alpha who has utilized betas for over a decade now, I can tell you a few things about who you are as a beta:

  • You enjoy serving superior men
  • You get off on the idea of serving masculine men
  • Serving an Alpha is both rewarding and fulfilling for you  

And those are all excellent needs for you to have. They are part of what makes a great beta because we benefit from those needs. However, don't make the mistake of prioritizing certain needs you may have over an Alpha's own wants, needs or desires.

The common mistake I see betas make time and time again is to begin serving Alphas with the expectancy or entitlement that this is all about you. Serving an Alpha is not about you, your needs, your wants or your desires.

Alpha Jorge

You see, here's the thing: serving Alphas has nothing to do with you or your needs. Instead, serving Alphas is all about ourselves. It is about our needs, our wants, and our desires. 

For example, if you're attracted to an Alpha's feet and the Alpha you serve enjoys receiving foot massages from you, that's fantastic.

However, if you're attracted to feet but the Alpha you serve has no desire for you to massage, lick or come close to his feet, then this is a boundary you need to respect. A need or desire you have as a beta never trumps the needs or desires from an Alpha.

So Betas, listen up! 

When serving an Alpha, remember that everything you do is for us and our pleasure only. While you may be aroused at some of the things we enjoy receiving from you (a relaxing foot massage, deep throat expertise only a beta can give, etc.) these will not always align with what you need or want. 

And you know what, beta? That's okay because again, this isn't about you.

Learn to receive pleasure by providing us with pleasure. This isn't too hard to do because after all, betas want to serve superior men. You want to be given orders and led by us. It's just the natural order of things. Its the Male Hierarchy. 

So now you know one common mistake you can avoid making as a beta. Be sure to implement it.

Want to know more do’s and don’ts in your journey as a beta and with serving Alphas? I just released a brand new audio training that will help you do just that. It’s called The 7 Principles For Serving An Alpha. 

Want To Know More Dos & Don'ts When Serving Alphas?

Inside my new audio training I go over all of the principles I teach my own local stable of betas so that they can better serve me. It’s required training for them and now you can learn these principles too. Click the button to get it.

Till next time, betas