Site icon Alpha Jorge


Does the idea of serving an alpha excite you?

If you have answered Yes to the question above then you are in the right place. My name is Alpha Jorge and the entire purpose of this website is to help betas such as yourself find, approach, and serve local alphas. 

Listen, I've been using and guiding betas since 2008 when I was in high school. And over the many years of experience I have seen one common frustration that every beta has. 

And that is the deep desire to serve an alpha not just online, but in person.

Every beta's dream is to serve an Alpha in person. 

- Alpha Jorge

But actually serving one in person is a whole different story. 

The internet is a wonderful tool for betas to connect with alphas but the problem with this is that 99.9% of the time these alphas are definitely NOT within vicinity of the beta that finds them.

So now the beta is able to serve them but they are limited to the online world only. Serving an alpha in any capacity is great, but it is always a richer experience for both the alpha and the beta if it is experienced in person.

And if I had a nickel for every time an online beta came to me and whined about not finding any alphas for them to serve in person... I'd have a lot of nickels 😉

So after hearing a lot of whining I decided to start coaching my personal stable of online betas. I taught them:

  1. 1
    How to properly serve their superiors (us Alphas)
  2. 2
    How to be brave (more on this later, but very important if you want to serve)
  3. 3
    How to find Alphas within their vicinity (and not 3000 miles away)

The result?

  • Betas who lived more fulfilled lives because they could now indulge in their desire to serve Alphas.
  • Alphas who now had more time to do what mattered most to them (focus on their careers, the gym, etc.) because betas were now doing all their menial tasks for them.

When betas serve Alphas it becomes a win-win situation.

Alpha Jorge

It was a win-win situation. Betas could indulge in the honor that came with serving Alphas in person and my fellow Alpha brothers could bask in the worship and service that betas provided.

And now (drum-roll, please....) I would like to teach you my poor, desperate little beta how to do the same.

It all starts below.

Learn How to Find & Serve Local Alphas

Click below to sign up and download my free audio training. The MP3 download will be sent straight to your email address.