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What Will You Do Today For An Alpha?

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Alright, betas. It’s time for another life changing blog post coming straight from yours truly.

Today I want to encourage you to ask yourself this question every single morning when you wake up:

What will you do today for an Alpha?

This is something super easy that you can immediately do every single morning to put your beta brain into the right state of mind.

And what state of mind am I speaking about exactly?

Well, that’s the knowledge and realization that you are a beta.

A submissive.

 That’s who you are and once you know that, the stars will align for you.

Once you know what your true purpose is as a beta, everything will start to come into place almost as if by magic. 

Alphas will seemingly come into your life and you’ll be tasked with the great honor of serving us.

But, you gotta get into this mindset first. Ok? That’s very important.

So, every morning when you wake up just ask yourself these 8 words, what will you do today for an Alpha?

And then use that beta brain of yours to start coming up with different ways you can make an Alpha’s life better.

So take this for example, one of my favorite things a beta can do for me is to wash my car. It’s something menial and certainly not a task that someone of my stature should have to do.

Why should I be bothered when this is a task that can easily be delegated to you?

To put it simply, putting a smile on my face should be your #1 priority.

I also like that getting into this state of mind works whether you serve an Alpha in person or if you serve an Alpha online.

The principle is the same and as I talk about in my training the Approach & Serve Method, you gotta figure out where you can save us a little time or effort, and then do it. 

So what will you do today for an Alpha?

What are some things you can do or get for him that will ease his workload?

How can you make his day a little brighter?

Good betas know the answer to these questions but the best ones not only know them, but also execute them as well.

Get your ass in that small percentage of betas and fucking serve. You know what to do.

Alright betas, that’s it for today. I’ve got other stuff coming up soon so stay tuned.

Until then, keep serving and making me proud.

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